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Sougth-after professionals in Germany: As a doctor in Germany

As a doctor in GermanyMore and more hospitals and medical practices in Germany have a lack of doctors. At the same time, rural facilities in particular are no longer able to fill their positions and are dependent on international specialists.

Job descriptionJob description

Doctors in Germany are concerned with the prevention, detection, treatment and follow-up care of people who suffer from diseases or other health impairments. There are specializations in various fields and medical professions.

Will my training or schooling abroad be certified?Will my training or schooling abroad be certified?

If you have successfully completed your training as a doctor abroad, you have the opportunity to obtain a license to practice medicine in Germany. In order to do so, however, it is necessary that your training is equivalent to a German medical training program. You can find more information on this here:

Where can I find employment as a doctor?Where can I find employment as a doctor?

As a doctor you can find employment in the following institutions:

  • Hospitals
  • Various practices
  • Health and rehabilitation centers
  • Hospice centers
  • Medical laboratories and research facilities
  • Public health authorities
  • Health insurance providers
  • Medical associations

Sougth-after professionals in Germany

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