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APPLICATION TIPSOnce you have found a suitable job offer you can write your application. Some companies have their own online portals through which you can also apply. In the job posting, you will see whether you need to send the application printed out in an application folder or as a PDF file by e-mail. The content of the application is, however, the same for both versions – a cover letter, resume/CV and supporting documents (references, certificates, etc.).

Cover letterCover letter

With the cover letter you introduce yourself and thus give the company a first impression of you. It is therefore important to write an individual cover letter for each job advertisement so that it is clear that you have looked into the company and the position offered. In your cover letter, explain why you are interested in and suitable for the position. Tell the company about your strengths and any previous employment that match the job offer. Do you especially like something about the company? Explain this as well as why various aspects appeal to you. In regards to this, you should make sure that you phrase your sentences precisely but also convincingly. Human resources professionals receive dozens of applications and often already decide at the time of reading the cover letter whether or not they find an applicant suitable.

Resume/curriculum vitae (CV)Resume/curriculum vitae (CV)

The cover letter is followed by your resume/CV. The CV gives the human resources manager an overview of your professional path to date. In addition to a photo and your personal contact details, the CV should contain the following information:

  • Educational background
    What school graduation level did you obtain? Did you complete an apprenticeship or study program afterwards? Under "Education" you should list all relevant educational measures you have undertaken. The last completed education/training experience should be listed at the top (most recent listed first).
  • Work experience
    In the work experience section, you provide the human resources manager with an overview of your professional career to date. Which institutions and companies have you worked for and in which positions? Again, make sure to proceed chronologically. Your most recent work experience should be listed first.
  • Language skills
    Those who speak many languages almost always have an advantage. Therefore, it is important to mention which languages you speak and at which level.
  • Skills and knowledge set
    Do you have special skills and knowledge that fit the job? Here you can specify, for example, computer skills or training you have attended. You can also mention your driver’s license here.

Supporting documents (references, certificates, etc.)Supporting documents (references, certificates, etc.)

Finally, any relevant supporting documents should be attached to your application. Here too, it is important to make sure to proceed chronologically in order to save the personnel time and effort. You should include here any references and/or certificates pertaining to your vocational training/apprenticeships, your studies and your previous employment. Are you applying for a job in a regulated profession? Then please remember to include proof of your qualifications. You can find out more about the certification of foreign professional qualifications here.

Sending your applicationSending your application

Once you have completed your application you can send it. If you send your application by regular mail, put all the documents in an application folder together with the cover letter on top. Make sure that the envelope contains the name of the right contact person so that your application reaches the human resources department immediately. Would you prefer to send your application by e-mail? Attach your application as a PDF document and don't forget to indicate which position you are applying for in the subject line of the e-mail.


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