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Salaries in Germany

SalariesWenn If you are looking for a job in Germany, you will also have to think about salary. But what is a fair salary anyway and what are the differences?


In Germany a distinction is made between gross and net salary. Your gross salary is your monthly or annual salary before the deduction of taxes and social security contributions. You will find the amount of your gross salary in your employment contract. Your net salary is the amount you receive each month in your bank account after taxes and social security contributions have been deducted.

Negotiating your salaryNegotiating your salary

When talking about negotiating salaries in Germany, one is usually talking about the gross salary. It is therefore important that you bear in mind the difference between gross and net income. Your gross salary will be reduced by about 35-40% due to income tax and social security contribution deductions. Some employers offer additional remuneration in the form of an extra month's salary, a Christmas or vacation bonus, commissions or non-cash benefits/perks.

Salaries by professionSalaries by profession

In its salary report for 2023, the online job portal StepStone compiled an overview of the gross average salaries of various professional groups in Germany.

ProfessionGross annual average
Medical practitioners93.793 €
Finance, banking, insurance sector59.997 €
Consultants60.398 €
Purchasing/logistics45.237 €
Gastronomy/Tourism40.306 €
Health/social services42.435 €
Crafts42.578 €
Engineers58.309 €
IT58.851 €
Marketing,PR57.400 €
Human resources56.130 €
Distribution53.419 €

Minimum wageMinimum wage

Minimum wage was introduced in Germany in 2015. It applies to all employees over the age of 18.

YearMinimum wage
202412.41 € per hour
2023 12.00 Euro per hour
2022from 1.1.2022: 9.82 Euro, from 1.7.2022: 10.45 Euro and from 1.10.2022: 12.00 Euro per hour
2021 from 1.1.2021: 9.50 Euro, from 1.7.2021: 9.60 Euro per hour
2020 from 1.1.2020: 9.35 Euro per hour
2019 from 1.1.2019: 9.19 Euro per hour
20188.84 Euro per hour

Salaries in Germany

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