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Sougth-after professionals in Germany: As an engineer in Germany

As an engineer in GermanyInternational engineers are in demand worldwide, including in Germany. Qualified employees are sought after, especially in the automotive industry, but also in the energy industry and in civil and industrial engineering.

Job descriptionJob description

Due to the numerous fields of engineering, the professions are also very diverse. The tasks can include the production of various technologies, the assembly of machines and building construction or the development of new technology. In general, engineers advise, develop, coordinate, analyze and plan projects in the fields of technology, science or economics.

Will my training and education be certified?Will my training and education be certified?

The engineering profession is a regulated profession in Germany. Therefore, you must first have your professional qualifications acquired abroad assessed and certified in order to be able to call yourself an engineer.

Where can I find employment as an engineer?Where can I find employment as an engineer?

You would like to work as an engineer in Germany, but you are wondering where you can find employment? You can look for job offers in the following areas:

  • Civil engineering
  • Power engineering
  • Automotive engineering
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Environmental technology
  • Industrial engineering
  • Architecture
  • Mechatronics

Sougth-after professionals in Germany

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