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As a caregiver/nurse in Germany

As a caregiver/nurse in GermanyThe shortage of caregiving/nursing staff in Germany is a well-known topic and a result of demographic changes. Due to the increasing number of elderly people and the declining birth rate, there are more and more people in need of care but fewer and fewer people who can work as caregivers or nurses. According to a study by the Institute of German Economy Cologne (Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln) it is likely that by 2035 there will be a shortage of more than 300,000 specialists in the cargiving/nursing sector of inpatient care. In order to prevent this, specialists from abroad are now being sought.

Job description

As a qualified nurse or caregiver in Germany, your tasks include advising as well as providing care and support to people in need of care. Exactly which people you care for depends on the institution you are working for. Caretaking staff can work both as healthcare professionals and nursing staff as well as pediatric or geriatric nurses. However, in all areas it is important that people remain the focus of your work. You are responsible for choosing preventive and curative measures and discussing these with both the person concerned and their relatives.

Will my previous training be recognized and certified?

If you have completed your training as a nurse or caregiver abroad, you must first ensure that your qualifications are recognized and certified for work in Germany . . If your training is not certified, you have the opportunity to complete an adaptation course/period (Anpassungslehrgang). In addition, you must provide proof that you have sufficient knowledge of German at the B1/B2 CEF level and, by means of a doctor's certificate, that you are physically fit for this kind of work.

Where can I find employment as a nurse or caregiver?

You can find a job as a nurse or caregiver in Germany in the following health and social service institutions:

  • Nursing facilities
  • Retirement homes
  • Hospitals
  • Hospice centers
  • Home care nursing services

Sougth-after professionals in Germany

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