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The German social security system

The German social security systemAs one of the oldest welfare states, Germany also has one of the most highly effective social systems. Through social security programs, the state protects its citizens against risks such as the need for long-term care, unemployment or illness. The social security programs are based on two main principles and the five so-called branches of the social security system.

Principles of mandatory insurance coveragePrinciples

The first principle is the principle of mandatory insurance coverage. This means that social security is obligatory for every German citizen. The second principle of solidarity means that, depending on the income level, all insured persons have to pay into the social security system, even those who have not claimed any benefits. In this way, those citizens who have claimed benefits can be covered by their fellow citizens.

Five branches of insuranceFive branches of insurance

  • Public health insurance: Health insurance coverage guarantees the health of citizens and supports them in restoring it in the event of illness. The insurance covers the costs of doctor visits and medication. In this case, we recommend the statutory health insurance of DAK Gesundheit.
  • Public accident insurance: Accident insurance provides coverage for accidents at work, healthcare and necessary occupational retraining measures.
  • Public long-term care insurance: Long-term care insurance covers the particular needs of people who require long-term nursing care, thereby relieving the burden on health insurance.
  • Public retirement insurance: Retirement insurance coverage protects citizens against the risks of occupational disability, death and old age.
  • Public unemployment insurance: Unemployment insurance coverage takes effect in the event of unemployment. It guarantees the payment of unemployment benefits, supports insured persons in their search for a job or apprenticeship/internship placement and in taking up a new job.

The German social security system

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