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The German health care system

The German health care system The German health care system is made up of various institutions and participants. Doctor’s offices, hospitals and pharmacies constitute the most important entities.

At the doctor’s officeAt the doctor’s office

Anyone in Germany who needs medical advice or seeks help with illnesses and health problems should first contact their family doctor. Family doctors are specialists in general or internal medicine, general practitioners and specialists in paediatrics and adolescent medicine..

Appointments with the family doctor

In the hospitalIn the hospital

Many operations and diseases can only be treated in the hospital. You can be intensively cared for and treated there by various medical specialists, nurses and therapists. Hospitals have certain technical equipment that enables extensive treatment. In Germany there are both public and private clinics.

Hospital stays

In the pharmacyIn the pharmacy

To cure a disease, medication is often necessary, which can be obtained in a pharmacy in Germany. Some drugs, however, require a prescription. This means that you need a prescription from your family doctor or a specialist to be able to obtain the remedy.

Pharmacy in Germany

The German health care system

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