Many operations and diseases can only be treated in the hospital. You can be intensively cared for and treated there by various medical specialists, nurses and therapists. Hospitals have certain technical equipment that enables extensive treatment. In Germany there are both public and private clinics.
Patients go directly to a hospital only in the case of emergency. Normally, however, you will receive a referral from your family doctor to go there. You must then present this referral form together with your identity card or passport and proof of health insurance coverage when you register at the hospital reception. How you should proceed will then be explained to you.
Again, if you are covered by public health insurance, you only need to show your insurance card and the costs will be passed on directly to your health insurance company. There is only a co-payment of €10 per day in the hospital. If you are covered by travel health insurance, the invoice will be forwarded to your insurance company if possible. As the cost of hospitalization or hospital visits is high, it is important that you contact your insurance provider in advance to ensure that the costs incurred can be covered after successful assessment of your claim.