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The German health care system: Important phone numbers

The German health care system: Important phone numbersMedical emergencies happen without warning at any time of day or night. In Germany there are various emergency numbers that you should remember or save on your mobile phone so that they are always on hand.

Police - 110Police - 110

You can reach the police in Germany by calling the emergency number 110. You should dial this number if you need help from the police in an accident or emergency situation. You should also dial this number if you see that other people in your vicinity are in such a situation.

Fire and ambulance service - 112Fire and ambulance service - 112

In Germany, you can reach the fire department and ambulance service by calling the emergency number 112. In case of medical emergencies or in case of fire, you should dial this number and tell the agents on the phone the emergency location and the reason for your call. In this way, the fire and rescue workers can get to you as quickly as possible. Again, you should also dial this number if you see that others are in an emergency situation.

Medical on-call service - 116 117Medical on-call service - 116 117

You can reach the medical on-call service in Germany by calling 116 117. If you need medical advice regarding pain at night or on the weekend, you can obtain it by calling 116 117. In emergencies, however, you should always call the emergency number 112.

Crisis line - 0800 1110111 and 0800 1110222Crisis line - 0800 1110111 and 0800 1110222

In Germany you can reach the crisis line service by calling 0800 1110111 and 0800 1110222. You can dial these numbers if you need help and consultation regarding worries, hardships and crises. Volunteers are available for you day and night, happy to help you. Your call can of course remain anonymous.

Important phone numbers in Germany

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